
About this annual report

Philosophy of the annual report

As our primary report, this annual report provides a holistic and transparent overview and assessment of our organisation’s ability to create value in the short, medium and long term. The report demonstrates our commitment as well as the key strategies and initiatives that we implement to sustain sound business growth and cater for the well-being of our numerous stakeholders. We have continued to make progress in our objective to comprehensively adhere to the key principles of the International Integrated Reporting Framework of the International Integrated Reporting Council.

Scope and boundary of reporting

Overview of key concepts

Value creation

Our relevance as an organisation today and in the future depends on our ability to apply the forms of capital as inputs to achieve our desired outputs and outcomes, e.g. delivery of financial performance and creation of sustainable value for multiple stakeholders. Our value creation model, which is embedded in our thinking and behavioural models, is anchored on the following.

Materiality determination

In identifying and formulating the contents and messages being included in this report, we have made allowance for the issues and dynamics that are material in impacting our business development, commercial viability, brand image, corporate culture as well as our inherent relevance in the societies and communities in which we operate. In a nutshell, our material matters, which cut across the organisation and whose relative significance may change over time, revolve around the following themes:

Success Beyond Numbers

Our Mission

  • We will keep finding ways to meet the needs of our customers
  • We will listen to them and help them achieve their goals
  • We will help people with ideas to be entrepreneurs
  • We will be worthy of our shareholders’ confidence
  • We will do what we can to make the world a better, greener place
  • And we will never go away

Our Core Values


Honest and trustworthy at all times

Customer care

Delivering unrivalled service


Working together towards a common goal


Proactively seeking out new opportunities


Believing in lifelong learning


Being the best we possibly can

