The Group utilises the following derivative financial instruments to manage its exposure to foreign currency risk and interest rate risk:
• Currency forwards represent commitments to purchase foreign and domestic currency, including undelivered spot transactions.
• Currency swaps and interest rate swaps are commitments to exchange one set of cash flows for another. Swaps result in an economic exchange of currencies, or interest rates, or a combination of all these.
Except for certain currency swaps, no exchange of principal takes place. The Group’s credit risk represents the potential cost to replace the swap contracts if counterparties fail to perform their obligation. This risk is monitored on an ongoing basis with reference to the current fair value, a proportion of the notional amount of the contracts and the liquidity of the market. To control the level of credit risk taken, the Group assesses counterparties using the same techniques as for its lending activities.
Warrant is a derivative financial instrument which gives the right, but not the obligation to buy or to sell a specific amount of a given stock, currency, index or debt, at a specified price (the strike price) during a specified period or on a specified date.
Corporate notes and credit facilities extended by the Group to any closely related customers for amounts aggregating more than 10% of its Tier 1 capital, classified by industry sectors.
* In 2018, these were classified as available-for-sale under IAS 39
(b) Fair value through other comprehensive income by levels
(c) Fair value through profit or loss by levels
(e) Held-for-trading
(f) Available-for-sale by levels
The book value approximates the fair value at the end of the reporting year
A 10% change in management estimate would affect the fair value by about Rs250.7M
(b) Summarised financial information in respect of material entities
(c) Reconciliation of summarised financial information
(d) Aggregate information of associate that are not individually material
Except for Fincorp Investment Ltd which is quoted, the other above companies are unquoted. The fair value of the Company’s interest in Fincorp Investment Ltd was Rs 1,473.8 million at 30 June 2019 (2018: Rs 1,432.0 million).
* The stated capital and cost of investment in MCB Real Assets Ltd are negligible.
** ’Others’ relates to Mascareignes Properties Ltd involved in property rental and MCB International Services Ltd involved in other financial services in which the Group has an effective holding of 100%. The stated capital of both entities are negligible.
(b) Details of Fincorp Investment Ltd which has non-controlling interests that are material to the company
The summarised financial information above is the amount before intra-group eliminations.
© 2019 MCB GROUP LTD #Success Beyond Numbers