
Financial Statements

Risk and capital management report

19. Other liabilities

FS (a) Staff Superannuation Fund as shown in note 18(a) (b) Residual retirement gratuities as shown in note 18(b)Proposed dividend Structured products notes*Allowances for credit impairment on off-balance sheet exposuresDeferred incomeImpersonal & other accounts 152.0 - 51.0 - 1,074.1 1,074.1 3,533.7 - - - - - 5,976.8 54.8 10,787.6 1,128.9

* These notes were issued at the level of our subsidiaries for the issue of structured products purposes.

FSp281Exchange adjustmentProvision for credit impairment for the yearProvision released during the yearChanges in models/risk parameters

20. Transitional disclosures

(i) New measurement category of the Group’s financial assets and financial liabilities under IFRS 9

The following table shows the original categories in accordance with IAS 39 and the new measurement categories under IFRS 9 for the Group’s financial assets and liabilities as at date of transition, 01 July 2018.

FSCash and cash equivalentsLoans to and placements with banksLoans and advances to customersInvestment securitiesInvestment securitiesInvestment securitiesInvestment securitiesInvestment securitiesInvestment securitiesOther assetsDeposits from banksDeposits from customersOther borrowed fundsSubordinated liabilitiesDebt securitiesAmortised cost(Loans and receivables)Amortised costFVPL(Held-for-trading)Fair value throughAmortised cost(Loans and receivables)Amortised costAmortised cost(Loans and receivables)Amortised costFVPL(Held-for-trading)Fair value throughAmortised Cost(Held-to-maturity)Amortised costAmortised Cost(Held-to-maturity)Fair value throughAvailable-for-saleAmortised costAvailable-for-saleFair value throughother comprehensive incomeAvailable-for-saleFair value through Loans and receivablesAmortised cost Amortised cost Amortised cost Amortised cost Amortised cost FVPL (Held-for-trading) Fair value through Amortised cost Amortised cost Amortised cost Amortised cost Amortised cost Amortised cost Amortised cost Amortised cost

(ii) Reconciliation of the carrying amounts under IAS 39 to the carrying amounts under IFRS 9 at 01 July 2018

FSAmortised costCash and cash equivalentsLoan to and placements with banksLoan and advances to customersInvestment securitiesOpening balance(1)From available-for-sale(2)RemeasurementClosing balanceOther assetsInvestment securities: Available-for-saleOpening balanceTo fair value through other comprehensive income- DebtTo fair value through other comprehensive income- Equity(1)To amortised costClosing balanceFair value through other comprehensive incomeFair value through other comprehensive income - DebtFrom available-for-sale(4)Fair value through other comprehensive income - EquityFrom available for sale(3)
FSInvestment securities:Opening balanceFrom amortised costFrom available for sale Closing balanceAmortised costDeposits from banksDeposits from customersOther borrowed fundsSubordinated liabilitiesClosing balanceThe following table reconciles the prior years closing impairment allowance measured in accordance with IAS 39 incurred loss model to the new impairment allowance measured in accordance with IFRS 9 expected loss model at 01 July 2018.Cash and cash equivalentsLoans to and placements with banksLoans and advances to customersOther assetsInvestment securitiesOff-Balance sheet exposuresInvestment in associates

1. Debt instruments previously at amortised cost but which failed the Solely Payments of Principal and Interest (SPPI) test

The Group holds a portfolio of debt instruments that failed the SPPI requirement for amortised cost classification under IFRS 9.This portfolio is bundled with a credit derivative that is linked to the credit risk of a third party.This reference to credit risk of a third party introduces terms that can change the timing or amount of cash flows that is inconsistent with the SPPI requirements. As a result these instruments which amounted to Rs1.0 bn were reclassified to FVPL at date of initial application.

2. Securities within the liquidity portfolio

After assessing its business model for securities within the Group’s liquidity portfolio, which were mostly to collect the contractual cash flows and sell, the Group identified certain securities which are managed separately and for which the past practice has been to hold to collect cash flows. Consequently, the Group assessed the appropriate business model for this group of securities is held to collect. These securities which amounted to MUR 205.0m, and which were previously classified as available-for-sale were classified as amortised cost from date of initial application.The remainder of the Group’s liquidity portfolio is held to collect contractual cash flows and sell.

3. Designation of equity instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income (FVOCI)

The Group has elected to irrevocably designate strategic investments at FVOCI as permitted under IFRS 9. These securities were previously classified as available-for-sale.The changes in the fair value of such securities will no longer be reclassified to profit or loss when they are disposed of.

4. Reclassification from retired categories with no change in measurement

In addition to the above, the debt instruments have been reclassified to new categories under IFRS 9, as their previous categories under IAS 39 were retired
with no changes to their measurement basis:

(i) Those previously classified as available-for-sale are now classified as fair value through other comprehensive income
(ii) Those previously classified as held-to-maturity and now classified at amortised cost

21. Stated capital and reserves

(a) Stated capital

FSAt 01 July 2017Issue of shares following the exercise of Group Employee Share Options Scheme Issue of shares following the exercise of Group Employee Share Options Scheme 238,422,890 260,206

Fully paid ordinary shares carry one vote per share and the right to dividend.
The shares have no par value and rank ‘pari passu’ in all respects with the existing ordinary shares of the Company.

(b) Reserves

(i) Capital reserve

The capital reserve represents the cumulative net change in:

(a) the fair value of investment securities until the securities are derecognised or impaired.
(b) revaluation surplus on land and factory buildings where applicable, until it is derecognised.

(ii) Translation reserve

The translation reserve represents all foreign currency differences arising from the translation of the results and financial position of foreign operations.

(iii) Statutory reserve

Statutory reserve represents accumulated transfers from retained earnings in accordance with relevant local banking legislations.These reserves are not distributable.

(iv) General banking reserve

The Group makes an appropriation to a General banking reserve for unforeseen risks and future losses.

22. Contingent liabilities

FS Acceptances on account of customers Guarantees on account of customers Letters of credit and other obligations on account of customers Other contingent itemsLoans and other facilities, including undrawn credit facilitiesInward bills held for collectionOutward bills sent for collection 204.6 23,262.0 33,403.9 3,001.7 59,872.2 6,773.3 537.1 420.5 1,019.9 1,440.4 68,623.0

*The Mauritius Commercial Bank Limited received income tax assessments relating to financial years ended 30 June 2007 to 30 June 2015 against which the Bank has objected. The basis of the assessment raised by the Mauritius Revenue Authority (“MRA”) were around a number of areas and during the year, an agreement was reached between the two parties for the income tax assessments relating to financial years ended 30 June 2007 to 30 June 2014. In addition, the Bank received several assessments under the Value Added Tax Act for the periods beginning April 2006 to December 2015 against which the Bank also objected. On the basis of the agreement reached on income tax assessments and ongoing discussions held with the MRA, a provision has been made based on anestimate of the likely charge for the remaining periods. The Bank is of the opinion that the likelihood of incurring additional payment to the MRA beyond the amount provided is not probable for thoseassessments still in front of the Assessment Review Committee. As a result, the maximum liability that could arise from these assessments that have not been provided for amounted to Rs 89.7 million.

23. Interest income

FSLoans to and placements with banksLoans and advances to customersInvestments at amortised costInvestments at fair value through other comprehensive incomeHeld-to-maturity investmentsAvailable-for-sale investmentsHeld-for-trading investmentsOther 667.8 - 11,478.8 - - - - - - - 2,279.6 - 126.5 - 511.2 - 49.0 2.3 15,112.9 2.3

24. Interest expense

FSDeposits from banksDeposits from customersOther borrowed fundsSubordinated liabilitiesDebt securities 47.4 - 3,824.5 - 213.4 15.8 268.5 222.4 29.9 29.9 4,383.7 268.1

25. Fee and commission income

FSRetail and private banking feesCorporate banking feesGuarantee feesInterbank transaction feesBrokerage Asset management feesRental incomeCards and other related feesOthers 757.9 - 609.8 - 247.3 - 64.7 - 77.0 - 145.7 - 175.6 - 1,760.9 - 483.1 - 225.6 - 4,547.6 -

26. Fee and commission expense

FSInterbank transaction feesCards and other related feesOthers 32.8 - 907.1 - 113.3 - 61.4 - 1,114.6 -

27. Net gain/(loss) on financial instruments

FSInvestment securities held-for-trading (243.5) - (182.3) - 40.3 - (385.5) -

28. Dividend income

FSIncome from quoted investments:Subsidiary OthersIncome from unquoted investments: Subsidiaries Others - 35.8 59.8 4.1 - 2,882.7 25.4 - 85.2 2,922.6

29. Non-interest expense

(a) Salaries and human resource costs

FSWages and salariesResidual retirement gratuitiesCompulsory social security obligationsEquity settled share-based paymentsOther personnel expensesNumber of employees at the end of the year 2,760.7 90.9 197.0 - 51.0 - 101.1 - 77.3 - 10.9 - 615.6 - 3,813.6 90.9 3,409

(b) Other non-interest expense

FSLegal & professional feesRent, repairs, maintenance costs and security chargesSoftware licensing and other information technology costs - Electricity water & telephone charges - Advertising & marketing costs - Postage, courier & stationery costsInsurance costs - Others 443.2 3.2 440.5 0.8 334.4 282.3 169.2 149.2 0.9 101.6 178.7 39.5 2,099.1 44.4

(c) Share-based payments

During FY 2014, the Group proposed to all employees a Group Employee Share Option Scheme (GESOS).

The Board of Directors has the authority to issue up to 5 million shares to the employees. In October 2018, a further offer of 684,428 options was made on similar terms.

FSOutstanding and exercisable at 01 July Expired during the yearGranted during the yearExercised during the yearOutstanding and exercisable at 30 June 190.97 559,883 189.87 (388,329) 251.68 611,936 211.62 (260,206) 523,284

The options outstanding at 30 June 2019 under GESOS have an exercise price in the range of Rs 244.00 to Rs 272.00 and a weighted average contractual life of 3½ months.

The weighted average share price at the date the share options were exercised under GESOS during FY 18/19 was Rs 277.03 (2018:Rs 274.95).
The fair value of services in return for share options granted is based on the fair value of the share options granted measured by the average market price of the share of the last three months, as may be adjusted by the Board of Directors of MCB Group Limited. The fair value at measurement date is Rs 268.00 (2018:Rs 273.50).

30. Net impairment of financial assets

FSCash and cash equivalentsLoan and advancesLoans to and placements with banks Loans and advances to customers Investment securities:Amortised costFair value through other comprehensive incomeHeld-to-maturity Other assets - receivablesOff-balance sheet exposuresBad debts written off for which no provisions were madeRecoveries of advances written off- 237.3 996.0 - - 46.0 - - 1,279.3 100.2 (49.6) 1,329.9

31. Income tax expense

(a) The tax charge related to statements of profit or loss is as follows:

FSDeferred taxSpecial levy on banksCorporate Social Responsibility contributionUnder/(Over) provision in previous yearsProvision for tax assessmentsTax calculated at a rate of 15%Effect of different tax rates Impact of: Income not subject to tax Expenses not deductible for tax purposesTax creditsSpecial levy on banksCorporate Social Responsibility contributionUnder/(Over) provision in previous yearsProvision for tax assessments 1,053.3 0.3 72.6 (0.3) 493.8 - 98.4 0.1 (91.8) - 258.3 - 1,884.6 0.1 9,125.9 2,519.5 (306.6) - 8,819.3 2,519.5 1,322.9 377.9 54.0 - (178.3) (438.8) 332.5 60.9 (405.2) - 493.8 - 98.4 0.1 (91.8) - 258.3 - 1,884.6 0.1

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) tax
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) tax was legislated by the Government of Mauritius in July 2009.The Group is required, via its local subsidiaries, to allocate a percentage of its chargeable income of the preceding year to a CSR programme approved by the National Social Inclusion Foundation (formerly known as National CSR Foundation) and the remaining to the Mauritius Revenue Authority.

Bank Levy
The Group, via The Mauritius Commercial Bank Limited, is liable to pay a special levy as a percentage of its leviable income from resident, excluding Global Business Licence holders (The special levy was paid as a percentage of its segmental chargeable income for the year ended 30 June 2018).

(b) The tax credit related to statements of comprehensive income is as follows:

FSDeferred tax credit 283.3 (48.2) 235.1

32. Dividends

FSPaid on 14 December 2018 at Rs 5.50 per share ( FY 2018: Rs 5.00 per share)Paid on 30 July 2019 at Rs 5.40 per share ( FY 2018: Rs 4.50 per share) 1,192.9 1,074.1 2,267.0

33. Earnings per share

(a) Basic earnings per share

Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the profit attributable to the ordinary equity holders of the parent by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year.

FSWeighted average number of ordinary shares (thousands) Basic earnings per share (Rs)7,220,900238,59330.26

(b) Diluted earnings per share

Diluted earnings per share is calculated by dividing the profit attributable to the ordinary equity holders of the parent by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year after adjustment for the effects of all dilutive potential ordinary shares.

The Company has only one category of dilutive potential ordinary shares which is share options.

For share options, the proceeds from these instruments shall be regarded as having been received from the issue of ordinary shares at the average market price of ordinary shares during the period. The difference between the number of ordinary shares issued and the number of ordinary shares that would have been issued at the average market price of ordinary shares during the period is treated as an issue of ordinary shares for no consideration.

FS30.26Weighted average number of ordinary shares - basic (thousands)Effect of share options in issue (thousands)Weighted average number of ordinary shares - diluted (thousands) at year endDiluted earnings per share (Rs)7,220,900238,59345238,638

34. Commitments

(a) Capital commitments

FSExpenditure contracted for but not incurredExpenditure approved by the Board but not contracted for95.1232.3

(b) Securities pledged

The Group has pledged Government of Mauritius bonds as collateral for the purpose of overnight facility from the Bank of Mauritius and for repurchase agreement with other financial institutions.

FSGovernment of Mauritius bonds with Bank of Mauritius 4,528.9 1,800.0 6,328.9

35. Net cash flows from trading activities

FSIncrease in other assetsIncrease in other liabilitiesCapital injection in MCB Superannuation fundNet increase in investment securities held-for-tradingProvision for residual retirement gratuitiesNet allowance for credit impairment on:Cash and cash equivalentsLoans and advancesInvestment securities at amortised costInvestment securities held-to-maturityInvestment securities at fair value through other comprehensive incomeOther assets - receivablesOff-balance sheet exposuresDepreciation of property, plant and equipmentAmortisation of intangible assetsLoss on disposal of property, plant and equipmentRevaluation gain on investment propertiesBargain purchase on business combinations 8,819.3 2,519.5 (1,742.4) (12.9) 1,169.8 13.7 - - 448.6 - (116.2) - - - - - - - - - 1,233.3 - - - 46.0 - - - - - - - 23.9 - 600.4 2.0 288.5 - 19.4 - (443.3) - - - - - (6.3) - (4,303.6) 2,522.3

36. Net cash flows from other operating activities

FSNet increase in depositsNet increase in loans and advancesPurchase of investment at fair value through other comprehensive incomePurchase of available-for-sale investmentsProceeds from sale of investment of fair value through other comprehensive incomeProceeds from sale of available-for-sale investmentsNet increase in investment securities at amortised cost Net decrease in held-to-maturity investment securities Net increase in other borrowed funds 22,760.7 (24,028.0) - (12,034.4) - 12,763.7 - 859.9 6,615.1 6,937.0

37. Operating segments

Operating segments are reported in accordance with the internal reporting provided to the Supervisory and Monitoring Committee, whose responsibility is to allocate capital and resources to the reportable segments and assessing their performance.

All operating segments used by the Group meet the definition of a reportable segment under IFRS 8. The Group’s income, expenses, assets and liabilities are derived mainly through its Mauritian operations.

FSExternal gross incomeExpensesIncome tax expenseInvestments in associatesGoodwill and other intangible assetsDeferred tax assetsUnallocated liabilities 26,439.1 1,671.3 525.3 (1,175.8) (14,026.5) (836.7) (466.4) 585.4 12,412.6 834.6 58.9 (590.4) (1,579.4) (12.5) (5.2) 0.2 10,833.2 822.1 53.7 (590.2) 241.9 0.3 161.7 - 11,075.1 822.4 215.4 (590.2) 457,541.3 19,778.5 1,334.1 (19,208.9) 4,363.2 19.6 5,587.3 (8.6) 399,390.5 12,636.7 1,491.8 (11,284.7)
FSExternal gross incomeExpensesIncome tax expenseInvestments in associatesGoodwill and other intangible assetsDeferred tax assetsUnallocated liabilities 21,629.1 1,434.8 441.6 (1,056.4) (11,683.0) (760.6) (361.8) 505.5 9,946.1 674.2 79.8 (550.9) (1,299.0) (30.9) - - 8,647.1 643.3 79.8 (550.9) 341.5 2.7 (37.6) - 8,988.6 646.0 42.2 (550.9) 376,401.6 16,943.0 1,289.1 (19,584.5) 4,363.3 19.3 5,422.1 (8.7) 323,020.2 10,610.3 1,487.6 (12,430.1)
FS Banking Non-Banking Financial Other Investments Eliminations Investments in associatesGoodwill and other intangible assetsDeferred tax assetsUnallocated assets 12,857.1 3,302.3 649.3 2,504.1 134.9 676.0 33.7 513.1 (35.2) 10.3 8.8 497.3 - (202.5) (596.1) (126.7) 12,956.8 3,786.1 95.7 3,387.8 396,971.2 6,340.3
FS Banking Non-Banking Financial Other Investments Eliminations Investments in associatesGoodwill and other intangible assetsDeferred tax assetsUnallocated assets 16,265.7 10,622.7 3,015.5 594.3 2,033.2 1,144.3 144.3 602.8 34.9 362.3 396.1 (37.8) 5.8 14.2 413.9 (855.3) - (191.1) (558.2) (106.0) 16,950.8 10,729.2 3,433.0 85.2 2,703.4 296,541.7 290,935.0 5,606.7 9,796.0 1,238.8 285.8 78,507.5 386,369.8

38. Related party transactions

(a) The Group

FSBalance at year end:30 June 18Balance at year end:30 June 18Balance at year end:30 June 18Balance at year end:30 June 18For the year ended:30 June 18For the year ended:30 June 18For the year ended:30 June 18 2,466.1 249.9 654.2 181.5 151.9 243.5 100.2 608.1 2.0 - - - - - 2.7 - - 69.3 5.2 32.4 - 4.7 5.8 0.1 11.6 38.8 2.9 3.0 8.2

The related party transactions were carried out under market terms and conditions with the exception of loans to Key Management Personnel who benefited from preferential rates as applicable to staff.

Credit facilities granted to related parties are secured except for credit cards, money market lines and facilities provided to related financial institution counterparties in accordance with our policy and are settled from the underlying obligor’s operating cash flows.

The figure for “Fees and commissions and Other income” from Associated Companies includes an annual amount in respect of management fees charged to Banque Francaise Commerciale Ocean Indien (‘BFCOI’) and fees charged to SG Moçambique in respect of IT, Systems and Cards services support by International Cards Processing Services Ltd, MCB Consulting Services Ltd and MCB Ltd.

During the year, 74,120 share options were exercised under the Group Employee Share Option scheme by Key Management Personnel, including Executive Directors amounting to Rs19.9M (FY2017/2018 42,657 share options for Rs9.4M).

(b) The Company

In addition to the amounts disclosed in (a) above, the following information relate to subsidiaries and associates of the Company:

(i) Balances as at 30 June :

FS2018 1,383.4 3.1

(ii) Income and expenses for the period ended 30 June:

FS 2,918.5 2.3 39.2 4.1 - - 20182018

(c) Key Management Personnel compensation

FS Personnel, including Directors, were as follows : 212.2 76.0 16.2 4.7 228.4 80.7

